Make riding and training more productive, more effective and more fun for both you and your horse!

Click below and discover "The 5 Secrets Your Horse Needs You to Know..."


We are Derek and Jo Clark, founders of Holistic Equitation and creators of the Schooling Made Simple online training and coaching programme.

We've spent the last 20 years teaching riders how to build an amazing relationship with a sound and happy horse by working with their horse's nature instead of against it.

Unlike many others who teach a 'one size fits all' method, we'll show you how to tailor your riding and training to get the best out of your individual horses, even the less talented, very sensitive or 'difficult' ones.

Georgina Ridal

"My horses are a happier bunch for being listened to. They're all much happier schooling.
It's nice to be able to enjoy them."

Lynda Carey

"Murphy comes out of his stable and he’s happy and willing. I think he likes me riding him this way. I just feel that I have a better relationship with him. We understand each other better, if that makes sense?
My instructor has noticed it, she said 'I don't know what you're doing but he has never been so good.'
I'm not forcing him to do anything, he's doing it willingly."

Rebecka Blenntoft

"I really enjoy the way you explain things and the whole ethos behind why we're doing this."

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